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2022-07-29 00:30:12 幼儿睡前故事

Some people dont believe in true love. The think any connection is based on chemicals, chance and fort. The truth is, though, love exists. You feel it, you know it and it can last a lifetime.


Below are 5 stories of love that will inspire you. You may only see it once in a lifetime, but its enough to remember forever.

) She loved her late husband so much, she still ate lunch with him every day.伊已逝,每天还是一起吃饭.

2.) Even though he had Alzheimers, he refused to forget the love of his life.


3.) After a life in love, these two died within 24 hours of each other.


4.) This couple met when they were only a few years old.


5.) These couples have lasted a lifetime and then some.


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